A Change Is Coming,  Lifestyle

A Change Is Coming To Glam Budget Beauty

When I decided to start a beauty blog in March 2016, I knew absolutely nothing about blogging, blogging platforms, webhosts, designing a website, choosing a name for the blog, obtaining a domain name, etc. After some research and learning some blogging basics, Glam Budget Beauty was born using Blogger, a free blogging platform from Google.

As I continued blogging throughout 2016, I learned about the WordPress blogging platform and I switched to the free version until I learned that my blog posts were not mine and WordPress (as well as Blogger) could remove any of my blog posts at any time, so I researched webhosts and found Blue Host, moved my domain name to Blue Host, set up my new WordPress website and built a new website with one of the free WordPress themes and in early 2017 I launched the new Glam Budget Beauty website.

Now six and a half years later, I am still blogging about everything beauty which I love, but for a while now, I have been thinking about changing things up with my website. I no longer liked the theme, or the look of my website and I was also thinking about taking my blog in a new direction and change the website name change too. So, after spending a few days searching all of the different WordPress themes available, I found a theme that I felt would work with what I wanted my new website to look like, and I obtained a new domain name for my website too. Now I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my new website, The Glam Budget Lifestyle, Living A Glamourous Lifestyle On A Budget (As of this post, my new domain hasn’t moved over to my webhost, so the domain is still www.glambudgetbeauty.com. As soon as the new domain, www.theglambudgetlifestyle.com is moved over to my webhost and to WordPress, I will let all of you know). I love the theme I chose, I love the new name and now I feel like I can blog about more than just beauty, like fashion trends, home décor, travel, health, fitness as well as beauty. I cannot wait to embark on this new blogging journey and start researching and writing new content for all of you!

I hope you like the new changes and the new direction I am taking my blog as much as I do! If you have any suggestions on content that you would to read on my blog, please let me know in the comments below and until Wednesday, be happy, healthy, and beautiful!

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